Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Harpeth River - Kingston Springs to Hwy 70

Estimated Length: 4.6 Miles
Discharge day of Paddle: 375cfs
Date: May 10, 2015
Weather: Sunny and in the low 80's
Time on the River: 3 Hours
Put-In: Kingston Spring City Park
Take-Out: Hwy70
Outfitters: Adventures on the Harpeth
                 Foggy Bottom Canoe
                 Canoe Music City

Xander in the kayak with Dad
Mother's Day was spent on the river!!! Our son and his family joined us for a paddle down the
Harpeth. We met at the Kingston Springs City Park (LL Burns Park) at 9 am and after unloading and shuttling cars we got on the river 45 minutes later. Since we had our 20 month old Grandson (Xander) with us we wanted to keep the trip short and easy, so we only went to Hwy 70. This stretch of river was perfect.

Xander loves the river, almost as much as Nana and Granddad. He had so much fun.
Xander and Granddad playing in the water
Xander"paddled" in the kayak with his Dad, he played in the water and he could have spent all day throwing rocks into to the river. My son did admit that he thought his son would have been crying for the entire paddle but knowing what a good time Xander had the family is ready for another river excursion.

This section of river has some great bluffs and easy Class I riffles. It is used by the local outfitters so there is a lot of traffic but we got on the river early so it was not to bad. The put-in and take-out are well established, easy, and have lots of parking. There are more then enough gravel bars along the route to stop and play. In all it was a great Mothers's Day.
Beautiful Bluffs

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